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Getting Started with Bloomberg at Yale: Home

Bloomberg Professional provides real-time and historical financial market & economic data, with international coverage of all sectors. Use it to find company financials, stock market indices, news, analyst reports, and much more. 

Access to Bloomberg for academic & noncommercial use by students, faculty, and staff is made possible through the Yale School of Management and Marx Science and Social Science Library. 

Access Updates 

Bloomberg terminals are available for current Yale students, staff, and faculty with a valid email address. 

Access for individuals without a current Yale affiliation, including alumni, is available at several public libraries, including Boston Public LibraryDarien Public LibraryGreenwich Public Library, and New York Public Library,

Having trouble logging on to Bloomberg with your account?

Accounts that have been unused for more than 90 days are deactivated. When this happens, you will receive an error message stating that the login failed due to invalid credentials. Contact Bloomberg support at 212-318-2000 (US East Coast) to have your account reset. Other support numbers are available for different regions

Bloomberg Terminal Locations

Kline Tower (Marx Library Building)Marx Science and Social Science Library 

Two Bloomberg terminals are available for Yale researchers at the Marx Science and Social Science Library.  

 Yale affiliates may reserve two hours of consecutive time on the terminal each day, up to two weeks in advance. 

If a terminal is not reserved, walk-up use is permitted. Reservations are held for 10 minutes past the scheduled reservation time. After this time, the reservation will be considered forfeited, and the terminal will be available. 

Reserve a Marx Bloomberg Terminal  



Ross Library at Evans Hall (Yale SOM)School of Management 

SOM students, faculty, and staff have 24/7 access to the Bloomberg Terminals located in the Ross Library at Evans Hall. The terminals are available to the SOM community for walk-up use on a first come, first served, basis. 





Yale University's educational access to Bloomberg does not include Bloomberg Anywhere or Bloomberg Professional for personal devices.

Access is limited to the locations listed above. 

Creating an Account

Bloomberg requires all users to have individual accounts. To create yours, follow these steps:

1.  Select the Create New Login option below the username and password fields.  

Bloomberg login screen


2.  Follow the prompts to set up the account. Note: Your work and mobile numbers can be the same. Use your Yale email address in the Corporate Email Address Field. 

3.  Keep your cell phone nearby – You will need to enter a confirmation number and can choose to receive this by text message, phone call, or email. In most cases, the text message option is the quickest.  Bloomberg will verify the account with a text message/phone call before it is fully activated.

Use this login each and every time you use a Bloomberg terminal on campus. 

Have questions? Ask us!

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Management, Economics & Entrepreneurship Librarians
Marx Science and Social Science Library
Yale University Library
219 Prospect Street - Concourse Level

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